How should you store, distribute and manage your data? If you’re considering building your own repository, think twice before jumping into that tar baby. It’s a money sink and a backup failure is inevitable. Besides, traditional storage platforms were not designed for modern data-guzzling apps. Data used to be structured like your tidy old Rolodex, with clear tags for easy querying. But no one has time for this anymore. Modern apps have to ingest masses of unstructured data and churn it all out in a sleek and understandable package.
Global Access Partners With Local Charity Muencher Tafel Joining forces with local charity, the ‘Muencher Tafel eV’ was a great honour for Global Access last month. Last year we decided…
Cloud providers have been available everywhere for quite a while now, with diverse offers spanning the globe. Cloud solutions offer numerous competitive advantages to both individuals and companies, including: the utilisation of external data centers, which ensure that the customers’ data are accessible at all times; customisable cloud functionality, tailored to meet all specific needs; and externally managed IT, which saves customers valuable time and enables them to focus on their core competencies. But what else should be considered, especially legally, when deciding which cloud provider to use?
Almost everyone is aware that data protection in the United States is not exactly strong. Yet recent, new insights have contributed to U.S.-American data center locations and American cloud services becoming even less attractive for local companies. The reason for this is above all the mass espionage of Internet service providers and IT service providers by the U.S. secret services.
Welcome to the cloud revolution. Whether you love it or hate it, cloud computing is here to stay. The good news is that with the growing popularity of cloud services,…