
Checklists, Templates, Brochures, Certificates, SLA

Here you can find all downloads of Global Access: Free templates, checklists and samples from our experts help you with important decisions about cloud computing and colocation. Product brochures, success stories and ISO certificates show that Global Access is the right partner for your company.

Checklists & templates | product brochures | legal

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Free Templates & Checklists

Checkliste Auswahl eines rechenzentrums für Cloud-Computing

Selection of a Data Center

What to consider when choosing a suitable data center for your company? How do colocation fit your business IT best?

Our checklist for selecting a data center helps you to take care of everything…

Checkliste Safe-Harbor-Abkommen

Safe Harbor

According to the ECJ ruling, companies in the EU can no longer rely on the Safe Harbor Agreement. However, cooperation with US companies does not have to suffer.

See the Safe Harbor checklist for all facts...

Service & Product Brochures

Cloud Storage

Elastic Cloud Storage

Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup

Disaster Recovery in der Cloud

Disaster Recovery

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